Sunday, April 15, 2007


Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news.
Discuss this with references to recent events.

Mass media has, for the past few decades, severed as a resource to provide information readily. Mass media in this aspect would consist of the television, radio, newspapers, magazines, or simply any means of providing information. It brings the world closer to our field of vision, to allow us to be more well armed to make our own judgments on certain events. However, there is just one minor detail that we have seemingly forgotten, that is mass media is a business by itself. The main agenda of a business is to make profit. What is a TV station without viewers? What is a magazine without readers? The world of media has evolved over the years, failing to attract readers or viewers would be deemed as a failed business. Quite often nowadays, the media cannot be totally relied upon to tell the whole truth. In their eagerness to gain patrons, media agencies have slanted the truth or published selectively. There are many examples of manufactured truth just make their reports more attractive. Tabloids especially have committed blunders and hastily publish information which is later found out to be untrue.

Celebrities have been victimized by the media very much too often. It is true they are often the subject of new hounds, but should a line be drawn to separate their public and private lives? How many times have we heard of celebrity’s marriages or divorces which later turn out to be fictional? The media portray themselves as a watchdog over celebrities, to report any misconduct in behavior, as such; they live under the watchful eye of the public. Due to their overzealous attempt to bring news to the public, media has at points created news either intentionally or unintentionally. One recent example from the past week is the death of Nina Wang. Yes, this public figure has led a high profile life being the famously frugal tycoon. Media is at work here to inform the public about her sudden death, but media is at the same time making use of this event to draw readers. Why is her death reported in such depth? Extensive reports about her past lifestyle and lavish funeral, the media has chosen to blow up the death of this celebrity and not simply anyone else because a celebrity’s death will cause readers to pick up the newspapers and the 4 other ‘W’s come into play.

Another example of media at work will be the detaining of the British Navy crew in Iran. British sailors have claimed of being mistreated, however clips were aired on Iran’s satellite TV showing the sailors playing chess and table tennis, proving that the have been treated with respect and were leading comfortably. Media in this case has not created news as the video clips are from a reliable source of the Iran government. However, media is at work by selecting to showcase the video, tensions will rise in Iran felling wrongly accused by the British sailors. The media might have also chose not to broadcast certain videos, censorship is thus present. Seeds of discord have been sown between these 2 countries due to the usage of the media.

Last but not least, charity has always been regarded as an act from the heart. Recent articles about generous donations from organizations or over rated reports of volunteers going all way out to help the needy has caused doubts about the real meaning behind charity. Do not get me wrong by saying that we should not help those in need. However, apart from reporting that little bit of truth involved, the media has chosen to blow up the issue as there articles attract readers. Humanitarian acts as such have been proven to be able to attract readers. Therefore, the media has taken advantage of our humanity to sell this news.

Clearly, the media has spoiled its own reputation by performing certain unethical acts. In my opinion, the media is not entirely to blame. Having said before that mass media is a business, it is necessary to cater to their buyers which are us, if we are in demand for news on the private lives of celebrities, the media creates this news to prevent disappointment. We are actually dictators of media where the clichéd and over used phrased of “consumer is king” comes into play. The mass media is merely catering to the needs of consumers to make even more profit. To a certain extent, we can prevent the media from creating news if we stop being in demand for our so called “juicy” news. The media can be relied upon to tell the truth, but two things have to be kept in play. We as consumers cannot expect too much from the media to be full of entertaining news all the time. The mass media themselves should not be too cooped up with trying to earn more profits or try to compete with each other, instead strive to uphold the true meaning of media – to provide the truth to readers.

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